Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 224

Last Nights Caper
I went on to get the days Snowman bingo numbers, and to my surprise, there was a lovely aurora in the sky. I think this is only my second? I know there was one during the Toy Day event, not sure if I've experienced another in between.

I just thought this picture was nice lol

I headed on over to my Snowmen, and thankfully both rolled numbers that I needed.

Day 224

I was glad we had a snowday today. I know it hasn't been that long since our last snow day, but it was cloudy and a little bit rainy for me, and I always like when AC mimics the weather.

As I patrolled the beached doing the daily duties, I came across a lost item on the beach. I picked it up and went to look for its owner. It didn't take me long to find it's owner, Alfonso. He gave me a banana as a thank you gift.

I built a Snowman today, and both Snowmen in Skyfall rolled numbers that I needed, and we finally got bingo! I think this might be my quickest bingo yet, which I'm happy about. I wouldn't mind having my next bingo be a little quicker than this one, preferably finished in about a week - but I'm not too picky, just as long as it doesn't take forever to hit bingo again. Oh yeah, I got a ski-slope wall as my reward.

Unrelated News
Sorry for the boring day, I really wasn't in the mood to play today, not really sure why. I even tried playing A Link Between Worlds, but only for a short time as I didn't feel like playing. Instead, I spent the day cleaning out my room, which was long overdue, and I should probably go back to doing that. Cya!


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