Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 325

Last Nights Caper
Again, just collected some more items that I'm after, nothing major, or worthwhile blogging about.

Day 325

I was curious to find out who the next villager planning to leave would be, since I haven't had anyone inform me they plan on leaving since Soleil left. Today that mystery was solved, as Ricky told me he planned to leave Skyfall. Of course, I told him not to, and he decided to stay. Hopefully it stays that way for a long time coming.

The bulletin board informed me of the upcoming weather changes, and in those few seconds of reading the board, I did consider building the instrument shelter, but we all know how lazy I get, and yeah, I didn't lol. Maybe I'll build it one day (along with the flower arch).

I made my way over to the plaza and campsite, but there was no one. I continued south down towards the police station, and Booker told me that only Pete was about doing the mail deliveries. I soon came across Tia who wanted me to come over, so I did. I took her to her house and she let me in. I spoke to her a few times and she brought up the 'wanna buy something' dialogue, but I'm happy with how her house looks, so I didn't feel the need to purchase anything, and left shortly afterwards.

I soon came across Hazel who had a package that needed delivering to Frita. I took it off her hands and went to look for Frita. I eventually found her (as she wasn't that far away), and handed it over. It contained a shirt which she was eager to wear, and handed me over an amethyst tee for my time.

I then noticed that Benjamin was home, so I decided to check out his home. As I thought, it was filled with sloppy furniture, which I hope he puts up in Re-Tail at some point, so I can collect the series. I spoke to him whilst in his house and he seemed to already know the gossip on Bree and Ricky, but only saying that they're really good friends. Maybe there is still hope for the two after all?

Unrelated News
I had a really busy day today so I honestly didn't get around to doing a lot, and with everything I did, I'm happy with the amount of gameplay I managed to fit in! Now I'm gonna go have some downtime. Cya!


  1. Thanks for showing Benjamin's house. I like the sloppy furniture series, but it never shows up in the lost and found.


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