Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 370

Last Nights Caper
I didn't do a lot, I started working on the Tomodachi Life review, but that will probably take a few more days since I'm still not sure how to write a review, so I'm reading a lot of guides.

Day 370

Food food food, that's all my villagers ever want these days, and today was no exception. As soon as I clocked in, there was Beau, ready and waiting for me to fetch him an orange. I headed over to the orange trees and brought one over to him. He rewarded me with a lawn mower.

There was a nice surprise on the bulletin board today. I knew the bug off was tomorrow, but I had no idea it would also be the summer solstice, so that was a nice surprise. Having the two events on the same day should be fun.

Since Isabelle didn't tell me yesterday that Boone had boxed up, I was almost certain today would be his moving day, and as soon as I booted up the game, Isabelle informed me that he would in fact be leaving today. It will be nice to see him gone, I don't mean that in a mean way, more or less in a "you get to move on with your life" kind of way. I'm eagerly awaiting the next villager Skyfall gets.

Ricky and Bree seem to be back on as I saw them together twice. The first time they were just standing near each other, and the second time they both pinged me. Ricky told me he had a shirt he didn't need and sold it to me at a discount price, and I was unable to answer Bree, so I'm not sure what she wanted. I did speak to her after I had spoken to Ricky though, but she just told me she wanted to replace her regal chair, but I don't be doing that since it goes well with her house.

Seems to be a custom that every time I'm just about to head off that I'm near the police station, so naturally I went in to check if we had any special visitors in town. Booker informed me that Gulliver had washed ashore, and I headed down to the beach to find him. I went down to the beach and woke Gulliver up, listening to his hints to help me send him on his way. I managed to guess correctly (I believe it's a country I've had before), and will receive a set of bag pipes tomorrow. My options were:
- New Zealand
- Finland
- Greenland
- Scotland

Unrelated News
Well I'm going to continue to work on this Tomodachi Life review. It's kinda a hard thing to review, I picked it as my first review because I thought it'd be easy to do, but it's a lot harder than I originally thought. But I guess as I do more reviews it'll become more and more natural and I'll be able to review future games a lot easier than this. So yeah, I'm off to do that. Cya!


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