Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 417

Last Nights Caper
After The X Factor I started selling off some of my unwanted items for stuff on my wishlist, so I cleared some space, and also got some items I've been looking for.

Day 417

Hide and seek had gone away, and wanting fruit was back a the new trend (at least until tomorrow). Today, Beau wanted me to fetch him a piece of fruit, so like any good mayor would, I handed to my storage and grabbed a perfect apple and handed that to him. He was happy to receive a perfect apple and gave me a scale in return.

Leaving Beaus castle, I passed Frobert, who had a gift he wanted me to deliver to Benjamin, which was delivered to him by mistake. I tracked down Benjamin and handed him the gift, and much like yesterday, turns out the gift was originally intended for me. I opened it up and inside was a fern tee.

Over at Re-Tail, turnips were going for a "meh" 119 bells, I didn't get time to check the morning prices. And after leaving Re-Tail, Bree wanted me to visit her, but as it was a set time, I had to decline her invite.

Redd had pitched his tent over at the plaza and I went inside to browse his artworks. He had two real pieces in today. One of them I would have needed, but I managed to trade for one last night when looking for items on my wishlist, along with another artwork I needed. 

Fake - there is a bug bite out of one of the leaves

Real - she is looking behind her

Real - there is no fake

Real - her other hand should be on top

And finally, Agnes asked if she could come over to my house right away, and since there were no time details to sort out, I was more than happy to have her come over. She stayed for a little while, before leaving, thanking me for having her over.

Unrelated News
No one pinged asking to leave today... I did speak to a lot of villagers multiple times, as well as played for a decent amount of time, so I'm hoping that no one is programmed to ping yet... Anyway, now I'm gonna see if I can get any more items from my wishlist. Cya!


  1. Helloo! I'm the guy on the Bell Tree!

  2. Hey, is there anywhere you have a list of the items in your home? Your main room is similar to mine, and I like it a lot. I would love to know what some of the items are...


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