Pocket Camp Club Original Bag Sweepstake Winners Announced

Back in November we reported that the mobile app Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp would be receiving a special sweepstake for those who signed up for Club Pocket Camp. Thanks to a 30 day free trial, you didn't need to make any purchases and could freely enter. The winners for the sweepstake have now been announced.

To check if you've won, either log into your Pocket Camp game and see if you've received a notification. If you didn't, head on over to the website and check there. Those that won will be greeted by a message informing them they have won.

You'll then be promoted to fill in a form with your shipping information so they can send the prize to you. It doesn't state when winners will receive their prize, only that shipping information can be changed up until 4/6/2020.

Thankfully, we were lucky enough to win one and will be sure to show it off once it arrives. Congratulations to all those who entered!


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