Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 58

Last Nights Caper

Day 58

Finally, my house doesn't look lop-sided anymore now that I added the room to the right in (I was gonna add a back room today but didn't get around to doing so, maybe tomorrow... or in 27628572 days).

It wasn't long before Bree was quick to suggest a public works project, the light house! This is one I've wanted (haven't been desperate for it like others, so it's nice to have). I'll probably put it in the area I was thinking of putting the second stone tablet in that post from the other day. Sadly, the town hall was closed due to the fireworks show, so I'l put an image tomorrow (if I remember) - and possibly build it.

I then went to visit Nook to have him tell me my new mortgage.

Now onto the fireworks show.

I'll admit it, I wasn't going to attend it today (I did want another bopper, though), but I really hadn't played much today, and had math study to do. So I decided I'd take a risk, and stay up about an hour later to get study, game play and quality blog time in (a decision I'll probably regret in the morning).

I got the heart bopper, so adorable

There was also a scorpion out enjoying the fireworks show. Too bad I caught it before it could get a good look.

Phinneas was also in town celebrating the fireworks display. He gave me a badge (I haven't gotten any for a while, should probably check the guide to get some more).

Anyway, as I said I would do last week, here are all the prizes I got from Redd last week, I believe I got them all (If I'm missing one, someone please let me know).

Ultra Hand

Love Tester

Lovely Phone

Miniature Car

Ultra Machine

Ten Billion Barrell

Ultra Scoop

Boxed Figurine

The only ones I really like are the Lovely Phone, Miniature Car, and Boxed Figurine (because it reminds me of Barbie).

Unrelated News
Oops. I spent about 30 minutes typing up this post when I was only aiming to spend about 15... darn. It's pretty much 11:30 and will be past midnight after I've finished with revising maths... Yeah I'm regretting this now lol (nahh not really). Anyway, tomorrow I should find out if I have to resit my Society and Culture exam (I don't care if I have to, I wasn't in the hall so I'm gonna refuse to sit it, fail me #yolo). It's such a stupid situation... Arghhh. Also three hour math exam, but once it's finished, no exams until mid-October (which are my major exams!), and then I get the rest of the week off (go to school from 9-12 on Monday, get the rest of the week off, what a great deal) - providing I don't have to do a resit on Friday (well like I said I'm not gonna show up if they make me do it so sucks the be them). Anyway, I've rambled enough now, I really wanna get back into this quick last minute math revision (I'm gonna fail anyway, expecting 30%), but any extra study will help improve my marks, so cya!


  1. I really enjoy your blog. Good luck with exams and great news about the lighthouse. I've had mine for a few weeks now and love it. I wish my villagers would suggest new projects, but so far I've been unlucky.

  2. Ooh you caught a scorpion? I tried to catch one once but then it ran too fast cause It noticed me walking slowly to me then it stung me and I fainted. I thought I died lol! Btw it was on a fireworks show too u see a lot of scorpions during a fireworks show for some reason.

    1. Why is that? He isn't stupid. Anyhow finding scorpions in fireworks shows is probably coincidence, the person who runs this blog has caught scorpions before and the best way to catch a scorpion is not to sneak up on it slowly but rather to run straight towards it and catch it.

  3. MhasrusPprav_ma1979 Irla Burns link


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