Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 67
Last Nights Caper
This sick child just slept
Day 67
Today might as well be called Monday because the amount of gameplay I squeezed in was minimal. I did however discover a glitch which will be covered in this post, so hopefully that makes it up to ya'll.
It was 9,200 bells! I thought it was a gift from Gulliver (however as Italy rewards you with the mouth of truth it couldn't be). I bought it anyway, it'll be good for my total spent at the T.I.Y, and soon I should get the T&T Emporium (once Gracie starts appearing).
Ricky also decided to show his face in Re-Tail, so of course I was going to try scam a few bells off him. Thankfully he went straight for the superb coffee beans, which I had put up for 7,500 bells. I told him to buy them, and he did just like any goodpeasant villager would.
Now I was going to work at the cafe to lengthen out this post, but I had a thousand and one things to do today I just didn't get time.
Gala then decided to recommend a public works project. I saw the word 'flower' and was like 'ZOMGL FLOWER ARCH', alas, it was just a flower bed. It's cute, maybe I'll build one...
Ricky also invited himself over, so I made it a time I wouldn't be home so he doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing my glorious house (ok it's not that great, but it's too good for Ricky).
Glitch Time
So I was on TBT the other day, scrolling through the threads, when I saw a thread about a mosquito glitch. I've linked the thread so if you want to check it out, go read there.
Anyway, for those too lazy, here's the basic run down.
- Sit on a stump
- Wait for mosquito to come near you
- Perform a reaction (otherwise the mosquito wont bite you)
- The mosquito will bite you, and you'll fall inside the tree stump
Doing so will make the tree stump register as a 'blank' - you won't be able to sit on it or dig it up until you reset the surroundings (by saving/quitting the game or entering a building). Reading through the thread now, there also appears to be a way to stand on the tree stump, if you have a tweeter. Maybe I'll try that in tomorrows post.
Unrelated News
Yeah. You can probably tell I got barely no gameplay in today. I did want to work at the cafe, but I let time get the better of me. Like I said, I'm sorry for the short post, but I hope the glitch makes up for it. Cya!
This sick child just slept
Day 67
Today might as well be called Monday because the amount of gameplay I squeezed in was minimal. I did however discover a glitch which will be covered in this post, so hopefully that makes it up to ya'll.
It was 9,200 bells! I thought it was a gift from Gulliver (however as Italy rewards you with the mouth of truth it couldn't be). I bought it anyway, it'll be good for my total spent at the T.I.Y, and soon I should get the T&T Emporium (once Gracie starts appearing).
Ricky also decided to show his face in Re-Tail, so of course I was going to try scam a few bells off him. Thankfully he went straight for the superb coffee beans, which I had put up for 7,500 bells. I told him to buy them, and he did just like any good
Now I was going to work at the cafe to lengthen out this post, but I had a thousand and one things to do today I just didn't get time.
Gala then decided to recommend a public works project. I saw the word 'flower' and was like 'ZOMGL FLOWER ARCH', alas, it was just a flower bed. It's cute, maybe I'll build one...
Ricky also invited himself over, so I made it a time I wouldn't be home so he doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing my glorious house (ok it's not that great, but it's too good for Ricky).
Glitch Time
So I was on TBT the other day, scrolling through the threads, when I saw a thread about a mosquito glitch. I've linked the thread so if you want to check it out, go read there.
Anyway, for those too lazy, here's the basic run down.
- Sit on a stump
- Wait for mosquito to come near you
- Perform a reaction (otherwise the mosquito wont bite you)
- The mosquito will bite you, and you'll fall inside the tree stump
Doing so will make the tree stump register as a 'blank' - you won't be able to sit on it or dig it up until you reset the surroundings (by saving/quitting the game or entering a building). Reading through the thread now, there also appears to be a way to stand on the tree stump, if you have a tweeter. Maybe I'll try that in tomorrows post.
Unable to sit on the tree stump
Unable to dig up the tree stump
Entering the train station and then leaving allowed me to dig up the stump
Unrelated News
Yeah. You can probably tell I got barely no gameplay in today. I did want to work at the cafe, but I let time get the better of me. Like I said, I'm sorry for the short post, but I hope the glitch makes up for it. Cya!
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