Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 150

Last Nights Caper
There was none.

Day 150
Day 150 seems so weird, like it seems like it's half a year but it really isn't (even though I feel like I kinda cheated taking that one month break).

But as per usual, there is often some special visitor there in Skyfall to share the special milestone along with it's mayor, this time being Phineas, who gave me a silver badge for catching lots of sea critters.

Day 150 was also celebrated my the post office, who had mailed me a complementary gift for saving up 20MIL bells in the bank - a safe. I like it and hopefully can incorporate it into my rooms somewhere (my house is at the bottom of my agenda though, I wanna get my town looking spiffy).

I forgot to mention this in yesterday's blog post (though it wasn't that important anyway), but I picked up all the mushrooms I had left on the ground for aesthetic purposes - one being so that hopefully I could get some more jacobs ladders, and the other being that I might score some mushroom furniture, both of which came true. I found a jacobs ladder right outside my house, and a mush hanger not too far off.

On the beach there was a lost item. What is it with my clumsy villagers? I picked it up and asked around to find it's owner. After asking about half my villagers, I finally reached Chester, whom it belonged to, and he rewarded me with a bucket.

There was also a message on the bulletin board saying that 'snow flurries' will begin soon. I'm not too sure what 'snow flurries' are, but I think it just means instead of rain, we'll get snow, but it wont be enough to leave snow on the ground - or at least something like that. Really can't wait for it to start snowing (there is a reason why I love the winter in AC so much, but that story will have to wait until I catch a tuna).

Now that the flower clock had been cancelled, I was able to start the hot spring project. I built it in the area I was thinking, and Isabelle's vision looked nice. I hope with some more landscaping around the area we can turn it into a nice spot.

I went back to Shampoodle's to get a haircut - the one I was going for as the haircut I started off with. However I raised the bar too high (that sounds like a pun), and got the wrong hairstyle. Oh well, guess I'll try again tomorrow - It also seemed I had unlocked the option to have female hairstyles (might have posted that before idno), might try them out in the future.

Sosostris - or Jennifer as you may know her (I probs should have put her name as Jennifer yesterday but really couldn't remember her name off the top of my head, oops) - left a comment on yesterdays blog post with her dream address to her Japanese town, Kasen. So, of course, I decided to visit it. It's a really beautiful town (much like Hanabi), and helped me develop ideas of how I can make Skyfall look nice. Hopefully one day we'll have a nice town like Hanabi and Kasen LOL.

I've wanted the instrument shelter for so long, can't wait until a
 resident in Skyfall suggests it!

I also tried to catch the remaining creatures I still needed for my encyclopedia. I spent what was left of the afternoon diving for the last crab I needed that was available this month, but came up with nothing. Maybe it's like the salmon and don't appear until halfway through the month - either that or I'm having bad luck. I did come across a scallop though, which meant another visit from Pascal - who gave us a keg.

I then went fishing after 9pm to see if I could find a blowfish, and I did, I believe I just need to catch a tuna then we've got all this months fish.

Unrelated News
I updated my dream address again (wow two days in  row can you believe it?), so hopefully I can keep that trend up and update it daily, or at least every second day. Now I've got some Pokemon to play so cya!


  1. Didn't know you had Purrly. Also, have some red carnations for you if you would like them. (fc 5214-1924-8412). Also, Jennifer, your town looks really beautiful :)

  2. Ugh. For me, it took 4 hours of straight gameplay to find a Snow Crab, which was the last December creature I needed to catch. I stayed home sick today, so I definitely had the time, but it took SO LONG to find. In that time I also found crap tons of Tuna (incidentally is my favorite food) and an Oarfish I thought I'd already caught.

    But seriously though. 4 hours. To find a snow crab.


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