Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 197

Last Nights Caper
I actually spent the night doing a few things. I continued on the judging of the bauble contest, and did a
little more gameplay of A Link Between Worlds

Day 197

Snow again? I'm seriously not complaining though, I love the snow so much, but I'm just kinda paranoid that since it's been snowing for like a week now, soon it's just going to stop snowing entirely, because Skyfall will be all 'snowed out'... I doubt that'd happen though, but it is a possibility. Let's just home it doesn't come to that.

Yes, all I did today was build snowmen. I really didn't have a lot of time to play (I'll write more in the unreleated news section). I made a snowboy (who wasn't perfect, one again), and managed to get a 'ding' in my bingo game.

Unrelated News
Okay. I apologize deeply for the incredibly short post today. I did consider playing some more just to fill in space, but I've honestly been doing about 453497 things at home (my house is being painted right now), and I also was working on the slowly progressive judging process of the bauble contest, as well as brainstorming ideas for 2014. So I really did not have a lot of time. Hopefully I make it up to you guys tomorrow, sorry! Cya!


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