Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 202

Last Nights Caper
Eh, just the usual so nothing new to put here.

Day 202
We had a letter in the mail form the Snowboy, who gave us a snowman chair. I would've liked something different but meh, can't be too picky. I'm really not all that sure what's even in the snowman set lol. Though I would've liked the hood. I'm not sure if the Snowboy hands out the set in an order, or if it's just random.

We had gotten another camper, and this time, it was an interesting villager - Zucker. I walked in and was surprised to find him in there, we never really get and decent campers. I tried to play some games with him him he didn't seem interested. I'm not that big on him tbh (I know he is popular though), so I didn;t ask him to move it. Maybe if Hippeux hadn't moved in the day prior I would have had different thoughts but yeah.

Speaking of Hippeux, he had finally moved in today. He wasn't as bad as I imagined, but he's not that good either. He probably wont be staying too long. Hopefully he pings not too long after he's made his life in Skyfall - though I wouldn't mind having Frita or Annalisa leave before him.

Redd had pitched his tent at the town tree, but it wasn't overly exciting, he has nothing in stock that I was after. Still hoping for Katrina, too. I'm sure we'll get her eventually, when? I don't know hopefully soon.

Fake - he has a carrot on his nose

Fake - holding a UFO

Fake - has a bug bite out of one of the leaves

Real - fujin is on the correct side

Well... Bingo... BINGO gave us another sextuple ding... Ok seriously, please stop trolling me. But on the plus side, we built yet another perfect Snowboy, so :)

Unrelated News
Yeah, nothing much going on so that's about it. Cya!


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