Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 206

Last Nights Caper
I had to get up early this morning so I had to sleep early, so I didn't really get up to anything.

Day 206

As I walked past Zucker's house, I noticed he was home. I love seeing the inside of my villagers houses, but I'm lazy and never get around to it, or they put their houses in spots that are out of the way and it never twigs in my memory. Though as Zucker's was right by mine, I decided to drop by. Inside was Rosie (both were up to nothing), but at least his house looks pretty nice.

Today might also be known as 'pink day' because the accessory corner in the Able Sisters seemed to have a lot o pink in store. I thought it looked rather cute.

I built yet another Snowman today, bringing it to a total of the maximum, four. Three of the four gave me a bingo number, and I also managed to snag a ding. Let's hope we can get bingo soon *crosses fingers*

Unrelated News
Sorry for the short blog post, I'm actually so tired you have no idea, so I didn't really feel up to putting a lot of effort into tonight blog. Now I'm off to sleep. Cya!


  1. Cute! Looks like I am going to enjoy that Bingo game!


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