Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 212

Last Nights Caper
Again, not too sure what I ended up doing. I think I just kinda sat there listening to music or something really not 100% sure...

Day 212

I never actually get the chance to play in the evening because I never really play late (and I don't like how the sky looks in the early hours of the evening), but as I was busy for the majority of the daylight hours, I didn't end up playing until the late evening, and it was actually a nice change.
I had some mail from the Snowboy with a gift attached as thanks for making him perfect. I got a snowman wardrobe in return. I think from now on I'll alternate between a Snowboy and then a Snowman each day, that way I can complete both sets that I want to complete.

Whilst spamming villagers with conversations in an attempt to get some chores to up our friendship levels, I just kept getting given free gifts from my villagers. None of them seemed interested in asking me to do a chore, they just wanted to palm off their unwanted items... Though I didn't get anything decent, just some shirts and wallpapers, but it's better than anything.
Though Zucker did let slip that the Fishing Tourney would be upcoming this Sunday - I believe this month it should be specific fish, so I'm looking forward to that.

Well... We ended up getting a triple ding, and as usual, that'll soon double into a sextuple sing... Though we should probably get a bingo by the end of the week. Both numbers I rolled were numbers I needed.

Unrelated News
Well I did a lot of things to do today, I had to go out to the country to do a couple of things, and then afterwards I had to visit some family members, and by the time I got home it was late and I was tired so I really didn't feel like doing a lot of gameplay (kinda why this blog post is a little later than usual since I didn't feel like doing anything). I do have a number of things planned tomorrow, too, but I don't think I'll be as occupied as I was today, though. Cya!


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