Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 228

Last Nights Caper
I pretty much went straight to sleep after last nights post, so nothing to report back on here.

Day 228

Our mailbox had a letter from yesterdays Snowboy, which had a snowman TV attached. Not really one of my favorite pieces of the snowman series, but we don't have it already, so I'll take what I can get.

Just outside my house was Soleil, so I decided to speak with her. Right off the bat she decided to tell me Katrina was in town, and I got a little excited, because I knew this was visit #20, so we could finally get her store in Main Street!

I rushed on over to the town tree to enter her tent to have my fortune told.

After I had my fortune told, she didn't mention anything about requesting the public works project. I spoke to her a few times afterwards but she didn't seem interested in telling me. I guessed that maybe if I tried to leave she'd stop me, and suggest it then, and sure enough, I was right.

As soon as I left I hurried on over to the Town Hall to start the project, and paid it off shortly after. I'm actually pretty excited to finally have this unlocked!

I soon noticed a lost item on the bridge (it looks kinda hidden so I must've ran past it the first time), so I picked it up and went to look for its owner. I found the owner, Rosie, in a relatively short amount of time, and she gave me a periwinkle tee as a reward.

I guess the cobblestone bridge was Skyfall's meeting point today, because not long after, Tia then pinged and asked me if I could fetch her a piece of fruit. I went back to my house and pulled a perfect orange out and handed it over to her, she gave me a beaker for my efforts.

Well, as assumed, no bingo today, and only one Snowman rolled a number that we had on the card. Oh well, it was nothing unexpected.

Unrelated News
Well I had a nice day today, I really enjoyed it, but I'm honestly so worn out. I'm almost falling asleep at the keyboard, and I need to sleep. I really wanted to write some more like I did in yesterdays post, but I can't because I really need to get to sleep, I guess I brought that upon myself by not blogging earlier. I'd love to stay and chat but I can't. Cya!


  1. Can't wait to see the new fortune shop. The lighting gets me every time. Until tomorrow, Bidoof! :)


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