Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 239

Last Nights Caper
Sleep time

Day 239

First thing to start the day off today was Rosie wanting some more furniture. I was glad she asked for some since her house is such a mess, so this could be my first step to cleaning it up. Sadly, neither the Nooklings or Re-tail had any items that fit her description, and none that matched her house, so I couldn't give her anything...

Bree wanted to drop by right away, too. Probably not the best thing that could've happened since I was on a tight schedule, and she didn't seem interested in leaving (yes, I showed her all rooms in my house and she still didn't want to leave). It wasn't until I decided to leave that she followed me out. hopefully she gives me her picture in the mail.

Katrina gave me a good luck fortune today, so no lucky hats. I guess her constant giving of good luck fortunes is good in a way, because I don't know if I should keep visiting her after I've gotten both hats or not. It's nice to add something to the blog post, but it gets kinda spammy putting Katrina in every post, not sure...

Ricky had yet another petition that needed signing. I swear it's either him or Bree, probably 'cause those are the two I talk to the most lol. I didn't have time to get to another town at that moment, so I had to stash it away in my pockets and visit Shannon's town in the night time. No picture as a reward, just a cushion.

Ughh. I got a double ding, and then a triple ding (well it resulted in a triple and a quadruple)... but no bingo. And then I somehow made a Snowmam instead of a Snowboy... Ughh, not a good day. Since one of my Snowmen melts tomorrow, I should try remember to build an imperfect Snowtyke, to get a different gift. But idk if I'll remember

Skyfall-related News
I'm just chucking this here whilst it's fresh in my mind, so I can refer back to it later, but these are the things I need to work on in Skyfall;
- landscaping
- new pathway
- public works projects
- villager homes
- villager pics
- probably more but yeah

Unrelated News
I'm sorry this is such a mess. I had a lot of family stuff going on today, I woke up at 9:30, was out the door by 10, and didn't get home until 11 at night... I only managed to squeeze in about 20 minutes of quick gameplay during the day, and then quickly log on to have Ricky's petition signed
. And I am incredibly tired, and blogging was the last thing I felt like doing, so I tried to rush it but yeah. Cya!


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