Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 258

Last Nights Caper
I stayed up later than usual, but I didn't end up doing anything

Day 258

As soon as I left the vicinity of me house I came across Zucker. I spoke with him, and of course, it wouldn't be a normal conversation with Zucker if he didn't bring up food... He wanted me to fetch him a piece of fruit, so I hurried on over to my house to get him a perfect orange. I handed it over to him, and he gave me a soda fountain in return. It's not his pic, but at least it adds to the friendship points, and hopefully I'll get his pic sooner or later so I can send him on his way.

After fulfilling Zucker's request, I headed on over to the plaza to see if anything was going on. Sure enough, Redd had pitched his tent and I walked in to browse his fine wares. He had I guess, a rather unique assortment of artwork today, several pieces I don't see to often. However only one was legit (not sure if I have it though), but I bought it. And yeah, it wasn't a sculpture...

Fake - all the fingers should be the same length

Fake - both men should be on the opposite sides

Fake - it has bat wings

Real - there is no fake

After spending some bells at Redd's I decided to hit up Main Street to see what else I could spend my bells on. Of course, there was nothing that took my fancy, and the Able Sisters had a Carnivale item I already got, the dress.

Back in Skyfall, Bree wanted me to catch her an ocean fish. I took the time to search the beaches for a rare fish, and I managed to reel in a tuna. I handed it over to her hoping that I'd get her pic in return, but instead I got an ogre mask.

After finishing my conversation with Bree I walked on over to the town hall to speak with Isabelle to hold the completion ceremony for the newly built picnic blanket, which I honestly like. Afterwards I was going to build another public works project (namely the zen bell because I knew where I was going to place that), but I decided not to, as I wanted to search for more places to put some projects, but I found none. Back to the drawing board...

Unrelated News
I did play a lot, but nothing interesting happened. Tomorrow is March 1st, which I believe means I can catch the loach, making my fishing encyclopedia complete! I just need to get the neon tetra and donate it to the museum to have the fish section complete. Now all I gotta do is wait until the fishing tourney and I can get my hands on a golden fishing rod! Anyway, I'm off now. Cya!


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