Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 285

Last Nights Caper
Slept early again, so didn't get the change to do anything, I just watched some TV.

Day 285

I didn't end up playing until late again because I was busy all day again. When I finally got time to play, Ricky wanted me to dig up the time capsule he had be bury a few weeks back. I headed over to his house to dig it up, and handed it over to him. I got an A-tee in return.

After speaking with Ricky I spoke with Rosie, who wanted to play a game of hide-and-seek. I had 15 minutes to fine Frita, Tia, and Rosie - who I manged to find easily. For finding all three residents within the time limit I was rewarded with a space shuttle.

Whilst playing hide-and-seek I came across a lost item, which I picked up. After finishing the game I went to find the owner, which  turned out to Bree. Returning it to her gave me a modern wood shelf. I really like the modern wood set, I've been thinking about putting it in my house (possibly getting rid of the minimalist set because I don't like it that much, but not sure yet).

After I returned the item to Bree, I spoke with her again, and she wanted to buy my A-tee off me. I'm thinking this was part of Ricky's plan all along, he wanted me to dig it up whilst Bree was near, and then Bree wanted to buy it off me whilst Ricky was near. She probably wanted an item that belonged to Ricky but was too afraid to ask.

Unrelated News
I had a really busy day today and I'm kinda tired so I don't feel like spending a lot of time blogging. I just want to relax and get some sleep. Cya!


  1. Not too long ago Tia was in my campsite XD

    I wanted her in my town but I reached my citizen limit ;-; I hope they change it since there are alot of citizens I really want.


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