Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 289

Last Nights Caper
Just the usual, I spoke to some friends. I didn't end up watching Pokemon, but I started watching some more today, so maybe I'll watch some more tonight.

Day 289

Zucker was still sick today (though that was to be expected), so I rushed over to Main Street to get his medicine, so I could get it to him right away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will be all good for April Fools tomorrow, and I will be disappointed if he isn't... I really want to work on getting more villagers in my town, and April Fools is a good way to work on that.

After leaving Zucker's house I walked around town some more trying to get some villagers to give me chores, but they didn't give me anything. Instead I went to the police station to see if there was anyone in town. Sure enough, Gulliver had washed ashore (I swear he washes up every second day). I went down to the beach to find him.

On the beaches I tracked down Gulliver and woke him up. I proceeded to listen to his ramble and began to figure out where he was heading. I honestly had no idea, but thanks to Google, I managed to select the right answer. My options were;
- Indonesia
- The Philippines
- Singapore
- Brazil

After waking Gulliver it was time for round #2 on asking villagers if they had any chores. Of course, none of them gave me anything, but Ricky did give me more confirmation that Alfonso planned to leave. Hopefully he isn't leaving tomorrow so I can get his picture, but I don't think he will - I'm expecting April 2nd at the earliest.

Unrelated News
Yeah nothing really happened today. Boring day in town, boring day in life, too. Nothing really happened. Not sure what I'm gonna do now, right now I'm watching TV, and once I head into my bedroom, I'll probably watch some more Pokemon. Cya!


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