Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 326

Last Nights Caper
Just watched TV, and watched YouTube videos, as well as collecting some more items for my house, which I've almost completed. I just need to collect I think its about 10 more items, and then order some extras, and the get to rearranging my house!

Day 326

Hazel was the first villager I spoke to today, and as she was in her house, I was totally shocked to see that she wasn't sleeping lol. I went up to speak to her and she wanted me to fetch Bree for her. I left Hazel's house in search for Bree, and then took her over to her house. I thought this might be some cat fight over Ricky, but alas, it wasn't - Hazel had just picked up an item that Bree had dropped. Hazel rewarded me with a djimbe drum.

After leaving Hazel's house, I came across Frita, who told me about her rather sour encounter with a rotten peach. In order to help her out, she requested I fetch her a peach to get the rotten taste out of her mouth. Luckily for Frita I had some peaches up by the plaza, so I went to get her one. With my peach in pocket, I returned to Frita and handed it over to her. She was ecstatic, and rewarded me with a bucket.

I came across Ricky who wanted me to catch him a butterfly for his niece. I was going to accept, but I remembered last time I caught one for his so called "niece", the butterfly I caught somehow showed up in his house the next day... So I decided to decline his request. I'm rather happy with how his house looks right now, I didn't want to mess that up by getting him a butterfly.

Of course, when there's Ricky, there's always Bree, and that's who I came across next. She was only just a little south of Ricky, on the other side of the bridge, probably admiring him from a distance. I spoke to her and she was eager for me to get her a new piece of furniture. Luckily for her, I had just cleared out the main room of my house, and had a lot of spare items lying around. I was going to give her a piece of the minimalist set, but that was all remade in gray. So I considered a plant, but in the end I decided to hand hr my jukebox, now she can have a nice tune in her house once again. In return, she gave me a volleyball net.

Unrelated News
Yup, nothing happened today. Absolutely nothing. No campers, no special visitors, and not even any pings, I literally had to force chores out of my villagers... I was going to try for another chore or two, but I was getting bored since I had been playing for a while, and nothing seemed to happen. Anyway, I'm off. Cya!


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