Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 350

Last Nights Caper
It's one of those nights where I seriously don't remember anything.

Day 350

Okay I take back what I said about the door yesterday, it's actually grown on me. Though I'm still going to buy the arched cabin door once it goes in stock. As you can probably see, Saharah was in town today, and as usual, I had her change up the wall paper and flooring in my house for 3,000 bells. I believe both pieces she gave me are originals, being the ramshackle wall and mossy carpet.

Turnips were definately going down, and fast. I managed to get on just before midday, so I got both turnip prices for the day (for once), and they were incredibly low. Makes me sad because I was actually excited for a good turnip week, even though I don't have any turnips to sell.

Tia got her second (and second last) dosage of medicine today. Just one more load tomorrow and she'll be healthy by Monday. I almost forgot to give her medicine today, and it wasn't until Benjamin reminded me she was sick that I remembered she needed some.

Speaking of Benjamin, he had a petition he wanted signed by six residents of another town. Sadly I didn't have anyone to take it to, so the petition has gone begging. Sorry buddy, that's just how things go. It's not all lost though, I might be able to get to someones town before the end of the day and have it signed.

Rosie wanted her lovely vanity replaced, but there was nothing in stock that would've gone with her house, so I was unable to return to her with any new items.

Unrelated News
Yeah, I really played for a good amount of time, but nothing happened. I even saved + quit several times, but it didn't seem to reset my villagers to give me chores. If Zach gets online soon I'll probably ask him if I can come over to get some signatures. Now I'm off to play some MK8 probably? Idk. Cya!


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