Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 374

Last Nights Caper
Nothing too interesting, just YouTube videos and Tomodachi Life.

Day 374

No rain today, but we've had rain the past few days so I'm all good. Right by my house was a lost item, so I picked it up and went to look for its owner. I could see Tia on-screen and walked up to her, who was the owner of the lost item. She was thankful to receive it and gave me a bucket.

Beau wanted me to fetch him a pear (pears seem to be really popular in Skyfall lately), so I went over to the pear tree and grabbed one for him. He was happy to recieve a pear and gave me a stripe table.

Freya has been kinda quiet lately so I decided to go speak to her to see if she wanted anything. She was rather keen to have me over right away, so I took her up on her offer and walked her over to her house. Her house actually looks really nice, so I didn't need to talk to her to bring up the "wanna buy something" dialogue.

Now that I had dealt with the eastern side of Skyfall, I was finally able to move onto the western side, which was where Mira's house was located. I walked into welcome her and she seemed bright and bubbly. I'll look forward to having her walking around town tomorrow.

I left Mira's house and began to venture up to Main Street. I entered Nook's Homes and was incredibly happy to see he finally had an arched cabin door in stock. I bought it out and now I shall look forward to having a complete cabin exterior (minus the fence, and I'm still confused as to whether or not I've got the correct roof lol).

Whilst I was on Main Street I bought some medicine for Chops, and headed back to Skyfall to give it to him. This is his final dose of medicine so tomorrow he should be happy and healthy again (and maybe I can try get him to move out).

I was just about to stop playing for the day I entered Benjamin's house, who wanted me to deliver a package to Bree as he was too scared to do it himself. I took it off his hands and went to track down Bree. Bree was happy to receive her item back, but gave me the lovely "guess what it is and you get to keep it" response, which I of course guessed wrong, so got nothing.

Unrelated News
Today wasn't as busy as yesterday, which was why I was able to get a lot more done. I think I'm just gonna relax now. I've still not started the MK8 review, and I don't think I'll end up making the one year of ACNL video - maybe I'll do it for two years, or I'll do it in November for the two year anniversary in Japan. Really not sure what I'll end up doing about it, but I probably wont do it for now, so yeah. Cya!


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