Splatoon 2 Global Testfire Gameplay

The Splatoon 2 Globlal Testfire went live earlier today, check out our thoughts as well as some sweet gamepaly footage below!

The Global Testfire features the three main weapon classes from the original Splatoon - the Splattershot, Splat Roller and Splat Charger - and a fourth, new addition, the Splat Dualies. Below you can watch footage of the Splat Charger and Splat Dualies, and you can all laugh at my great fails (then watch my Splat Dualies video immediately afterwards and be amazed by my skill). Footage of the Splat Roller and Splattershot will be up later!

26/03/2017 Update: The Splat Roller and Splattershot gameplays are now up!

If you are interested in participating in the Global Testfire, check out the other session times, which will start later today.

Splatoon 2 launches for the Nintendo Switch in Winter 2017 in Australia and New Zealand.


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