Nintendo Japan Releases Free Summer 2020 Magazine, Features Animal Crossing + More

It seems today the news just doesn't stop coming! First New Horizons was updated to Version 1.4.1, then we got the fiscal year earnings, that the game has sold over 22 million copies, and now Nintendo Japan has released a free magazine that features a tonne of Animal Crossing, including some beautiful new Animal Crossing renders!

The 84 page magazine goes over a tonne of Nintendo content, including Animal Crossing merch that can be obtained with My Nintendo Japan, or at the Nintendo Tokyo Store. It even features a cute crossword (that's sadly in Japanese), and a little calendar for August and September.
The main thing here though, is they've shown off a tonne of yet-to-be seen renders, not only of the player characters, but a number of villagers, too! We've included the scans of the magazine below!

The magazine covers a lot more, including many other Nintendo games including Splatoon, Pokemon, and Mario. There's even a cool page to get you hyped for Halloween that goes over Nintendo ghosts! You can view the full magazine here.

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