Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 41

Quick Disclaimer
I've felt really sick all day (I fainted again but I still feel horrible). So this post will probably be short, since I've barely played, and I just want to sleep also so yeah (plus I wanted to work on my major today but physically couldn't so i'm semi-depressed).

Last Nights Caper
Didn't play.

Day 41

Phineas was right outside my door. Like literally, he was standing right where Pete stands when he gives you a DLC (I waited for him to move to take the photo). I thought he was hand delivering a badge to me, but that was just where he decided to walk. I ended up getting a badge for doing chores for my villagers.

I also got a HHA Jacket in the mail for accumulating a set number of points (I forget how many). I do like the jacket, but it was very very similar to the red track jacket I had on so I didn't care for it that much.

Shrunk taught me the worry joke. I like this one, it's a negative emotion, but it's cute at the same time. It's like a win-win situation.

And I finally managed to get the hero's boots from a fortune cookie! Now I have completed the hero's outfit and I added the boots to the mannequin in the museum.

And then I got some new contacts, they're still blue, but they're a little darker. I'm going to try for green or black tomorrow.

Finally, I decided to wish Greta luck on her last day in Skyfall. She really wont be missed, I'm just curious to see who out new villager will be, where they'll place their house, and if they'll screw up the town layout!

Unrelated News
Yeah, I'm sorry that this was so short but I just felt horrible. I probably would have had more time to play if I decided to go home from school, but I have an assessment tomorrow, and long story short, you have to go the day before an assessment, otherwise you need a doctors certificate (if you don't provide one you get zero), and since my family were out working, I didn't think I'd be able to get a doctors certificate, so I had to suffer in pain at school and they die at home (thankfully today was only a 3 hour day). But yeah, I do feel really bad about short posts, I guess my health is more important, but I still feel slack. I did try play a little later on in the night, but only for a little bit because I begun to feel light headed again. Anyway, we'll see how we go tomorrow, cya!


  1. I really hope you get better! And I'm grateful that you did a blog post even though you felt horrible. I usually just make like a statue and do nothing when I'm feeling bad :)


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