Animal Crossing New Leaf - Days 116 - 148

It's a lovely rainy night, the weather is cool, I've got my doona over me, and a hot chocolate next to me, what better way to start this super long blog post?
Not 100% sure on how I'm going to write this up, tbh. I'm probably going to file things under subheadings, and if things seem a little off, it's 'cause I haven't blogged for a month.

The Town
A lot of things have happened in Skyfall since out last post, residents have come and gone (which I'll put later one), and the grass has changed. Although, the over all lay-out of Skyfall hasn't changed.

The town tree has started losing it's leaves

Still no purple pansies despite all my hybrid attempts

There was also another meteor shower, but I didn't get the time to watch it. Hopefully we'll get some more before the snow hits in (that's not for another month or so though so hopefully we can snag one final meteor shower - but I absolutely love the snow in AC so I am so excited for winter, it can't come fast enough!).

Naturally, we've had a lot of visitors coming to town, some more than others (I don't think I saw Saharah more than once lol). So let's hop into it.

Gulliver was washed ashore a number of times. One of them I had no idea what the answer was, so I got it wrong... Oh well, I got a consolation prize of a neat chocolate coin (something that I wanted to get my hands on sooner or later anyway).

Booker's response when Gulliver is washed up, classic.

I believe I found Gulliver washed ashore a total of 5 times. If only Katrina showed up as often as Gulliver, we'd have her store in Main Street in no time.

Yes Gulliver, I am your princess~~

Oops, the only one I actually took a picture of was the reward for Australia (I swear it was just a coincidence).

If you want to know what I got for everything else, I'll list them below:
Kenya - Cursed Mask
Peru - Tapestry
Consolation Prize - Chocolate Coin
Australia - Ayers Rock
England - Big Ben

Like I said, I think I only got Saharah once (maybe two times I'm not sure, but we'll find out soon).

Well, turns out I had her come twice. I'm not 100% sure on what she gave me (my notes I take down have long gone wandering so I can't remember and too lazy to do a google search). I am fairly confident the first visit gave me a tatami and music room wall. Second visit, not entirely sure, sorry!

Much like Saharah, I only think she appeared two or three times - I really wish she'd visit more, I can't wait to have her shop unlocked on Main Street. Although, once it does open, it's the end of an era because I basically have all shops unlocked... Oh well, we'll cross that emotional path when we come to it lol. Uhhh, it might get a tad confusing as to which visit is which so I'll label each one to make it easier for ya'll

Visit #1

Visit #2

Visit #3

Visit #4

Alright, so she visited 4 times. That's still 4 more visits than we had before. After I finish this I'm gonna check how many times I've had her visit, so I can see how close I am to having her shop open up.

Oh Redd, my favorite visitor of all time (ok he really isn't but yeah). Not sure how many times he came to visit, but I bought a piece of art everytime (I don't think I've donated any though LOL) Like Katrina, so you don't get confused, I'll put each visit separately.

Visit #1

Fake - the real artwork has a blue headband

Fake - the real artwork has the palm facing up

Fake - the fake one is holding a UFO

Real - there is no fake

Visit #2

Fake - the real one has two children

Fake - she doesn't have a bonnet

Real - the shell is open

Fake - there is a bug bite out of one of the leaves

That's odd, I could've sworn Redd has visited more than twice, but obviously not.

The Wandering Kitten
I only had Katie one or two times during my hiatus, but I didn't take her to anyone's town (rude or me, I know). Though I did have two people come take her to my town - Cat and Zachary.

I believe that's all the visitors I had. No Pascal because I haven't gone diving for the October/November creatures (if there are any?). So I'll probably do that maybe later tonight.

Obviously, there was a decent amount of shopping to be done. There was the Spooky series to buy in the Nooklings shop all through October, and then the Harvest set starting November, so we had our hands full. I'll put images of each unique piece I managed to buy (some Spooky pieces might be from previous blog posts, but I'm too lazy to check which ones I've already put).

I really don't plan on using these in my home anytime soon, as I sold them back right after purchase - I'm only really collecting for catalog purposes. Of course, there were a few other bits-and-bobs I bought during my time.

I bought a cute little argyle sweater from Gracie Grace, that should come in handy once the snow hits. She also gave me a mannequin for purchasing an item from her for the first time. I believe I have all four mannequins now?

I also went to the Able Sisters daily to get each new Halloween mask. Although, when Halloween came around I only ended up having three masks on me. Not too bothered though as I'm not big on the Creepy set but still would have been nice to complete it, instead of only getting one piece lol.

Villagers Come, and Villagers Go
Naturally, over a long period of time, a number of villagers are going to move out, and then an amount are going to come in. I think only three or four villagers moved out during my break.

Julian's off living it big in La Lune village (Cat is minding him for me), as for the other two, and the future of Melba, I wish them all the best.
Now for the new residents.

As per tradition, one of these residents put their house in the infamous Mac/Moe continuity spot - and it was Annalisa (was wondering how long it'd take until another resident took the spot). I'm not over fussed about any of these new residents, though Annalisa is kinda cute and Leonardo is pretty cool, but I don't see them sticking around for too long. And yes, I will be updating the villagers sidebar sometime soon.

Happy Campers
Skyfall had a lot of campers (no of them moved in, though, and I didn't play any games with any of them). Still waiting for the day that a cool villager camps and I can invite them (hopefully my town isn't full when that day comes), and please snow, hurry up so I can have cute igloos lol.

Jobs and Chores
Of course, living in a village with these residents, there are a number of jobs, chores and errands they make me perform, I guess to prove myself as mayor. As well as returning lost items, I've really got my hands full. Thankfully my villagers stayed out of my hair so there wasn't a huge amount of jobs that they needed doing, just the occasional lost item and errand, nothing too major.

As I believe I already mentioned on Tumblr, I'll only have half the events blogged here (fishing tourney and explorers day I believe), as I will be holding a separate post for Halloween/my birthday.

Explorers Day
The lovely Cat from La Lune village was kinda enough to let myself and our friend Lauren over to take some photos at the display board, and get out own Sailboat model (forgot to take a picture of the item, oops sorry).

The Fishing Tourney
I don't know if I've mentioned this here before (I think I might have), but I'm much more big on catching bugs instead of fish, so not too big on the fishing tourney, thus I didn't put much effort into it. I believe there is another either this coming weekend, or next (or maybe the one after. I'll be honest I really don't know when it it) so hopefully then I'll have my fishing hat on and maybe get more out of the day. I also forgot to attend the ceremony, so that was a goof on my behalf, next time I'll attend (I hope).

Mayoral Duties
I didn't actually do a lot, if any, mayoral things during my time off. All I think that happened was that I got a request for two public works projects (maybe three), and I built the flower clock where Julian's house used to be (which I still haven't paid off oops - maybe I'll do that once I'm one blogging).

I haven't been able to get a photo of the hot spring, because it was requested during the time the flower clock was being built, so there goes that rumor that public works projects can't be requested if one is already being built and hasn't been paid off. Hopefully I'll pay that clock off today, so I can shot the hot spring in tomorrows post (I also have a spot in mind where I'll place the hot spring).

Other Things
I think I'm done with structured headings (if not I'll just add them in before this heading), so here I'll just put things which don't really fit the other headings (then I just have to do the unrelated news section, and I'm done holla jesus).
I managed to catch the two October/November bugs which I needed, the mole cricket and bag worm. Now I just need the dung beetle and I've got all bugs (too bad I have to wait until June to get the golden net. A near 1 year anniversary present I guess since we started blogging on the first bug off?)

Julian also gave me his picture upon his departed from Skyfall, so I put that in my cabin room (I really need to fix up my house LOL).

Bree and Ricky are still going strong (thank god).

November = New Month = New DLC. So I went to the post office to pick up this months DLC, a fedora chair. I also think there's another one coming this month, not too sure what it is, though.

Unrelated News
... and I think that's it (there goes a good two, two and a half hours). I might have missed something (besides halloween and my birthday), but I'm pretty sure I managed to get everything that you've missed in one big post (please excuse any typos). Ughh, that effort, but at lest it's done and I hope you enjoy!
Now I think I'll have a break for an hour or so, and then I'll work on the halloween/birthday post, or I might even post that tomorrow morning. Anyway, cya!


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