Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 174: Naughty, or Nice?

Last Nights Caper
Welp I didn't even end up playing anything - the decision was too hard to make (I know, right? lol) so in the end I just decided on not playing anything... Though I wanna play something tonight, so we'll be going through the whole process again...

Day 174
Woo, Naughty-or-Nice day was here. It's been a while since we've had a holiday in Skyfall (just a chill one, not including Thanksgiving or Halloween), would have been made perfect if it snowed, but none the less, I was happy with the day.
There really wasn't anything to do, all you did was go see Isabelle t the town tree, get a holiday stocking off her, and then go take some pictures at the photoboard. Part of me wishes there was something else to do (like prankster villager dialogue), or maybe even more pitfalls around town, or something. But meh.

I also had my two friends, Chris, and Cat (from La Lune village, if you remember her from some previous posts - she's the one holding Julian right now) came over to celebrate the holiday with me. We didn't get up to much, but we took some happy snaps on the photoboard!

Rosie also had me deliver a package to Jacques, which I delivered, and got a a blue plaid tee in return.

And finally, my house was fully expanded! I forgot to go visit Nook to get my final mortgage, so I guess I'll either do that tomorrow, or whenever I remember to go in there again lol. My alpine room is looking a little plain, so I guess I'll have to order some more stuff to fill it up.

Christmas Caper
Bree - Pink, plant
Purrl - White, appliance
Ricky - Black, clothing
Jacques - White, furniture
Frita - Yellow, instrument
Rosie - Red, umbrella
Annalisa - Yellow, furniture
Leonardo - Red, musical instrument

Tia - White, wallpaper

Unrelated NewsYeah, it was a pretty short day today, I didn't end up playing much as I spent the majority of the day writing up the giveaway for our 1 year (as well as the items I'm giving away), and then also figuring out the prizes for the Christmas giveaway (yes there will be a first, second and third place). So that took forever because I was trying to to 10,000 things at once, but we eventually got there (well actually it's not even finished yet). So I'm probably gonna go finish writing them (hence the early post tonight), and after wards take some downtime whilst playing A Link Between Worlds or Pokemon, or maybe even AC, not sure yet... Cya!


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