Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 257

Last Nights Caper
I was really tired so I pretty much slept right after last nights post.

Day 257

I guess the exercise bike is in high demand because Tia wanted to her her hands on it today. However, she was only willing to offer a blue-check tee, which I don't think id worth it, so I had to decline her offer.

Today was also Rosie's birthday, which I had actually forgotten about (oops). It wasn't until I read the notice on the bulletin board that I remembered. I hadn't even got her a gift, but I looked up her suggested gifts online, and found out that a red ribbon is a gift that she likes, and luckily there was one of those in the Able Sisters! So I bought that, and whilst I was there, I bought the Festivale item for the day, being the pants.

After I had bought Rosie's gift, I headed on over to her house to give her my best wishes, and hand her gift over (which I probably should've wrapped, oops). She seemed to like the gift, and she had Frita over celebrating with her.

Whilst trying to get some chores out of my villagers (which was hard since most of them were hiding), Tia gave me a ranch chair out of the blue. I took it, and not long after Zucker wanted to trade it for his rainbow tee. At first I didn't want to accept because I didn't want him to mess up his house, but since I don't plan on keeping him, I accepted the trade.

I decided to start landscaping Skyfall today. I rearranged some flowers, planted some more bushes and trees - and I started deciding on public works project placements. The two projects I worked on today were the picnic blanket and the zen bell. I knew on the places I wanted to build them, but I built the picnic blanket first because I figured it looked the best. I do like the place I want to build the zen bell, but not sure if I'm going to put it there or not. I'll probably look for more placements tomorrow.

Unrelated News
I wanted to do this earlier, but my internet literally died from 5pm-11pm so I couldn't (I didn't even know if it'd go up again tonight so I thought I'd have to blog tomorrow). Thankfully I didn't need to do that though, but yeah. I played for a long time today (honestly, I played for most of my day), but no villagers would give me jobs, and most of it was spent on landscaping. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, probably work on more landscaping. Cya!


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