Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 372

Last Nights Caper
I honestly don't remember anything from last night. I may have played some Tomodachi Life, but I really don't think I did. I probably just watched YouTube videos.

Day 372

Rain day today, which I love. I slept in a little later than usual so I was unable to check Joan for turnips this morning (even though I didn't plan on buying any), so instead I headed over to Beau's house to see what was happening. He had a gift he wanted me to deliver to Benjamin, so I took it off his hands and found Benjamin. When I handed it to Benjamin, he gave me the wonderful "If you guess it you get t keep it!" dialogue, which I always hate. Amazingly, I managed to guess correctly, and earned myself an earthy knit tee.

Bree wanted me to get her a pear (because we all know how much my villagers love food). So I headed on over to Skyfall's pear trees and shook one off for her. I went back over to Bree and gave her the pear, and she rewarded me with a ranch flooring.

I hadn't seen Chops around for a while so I headed inside his house to check up on him, and turned out he was sick. I went over to Main Street to buy him some medicine and soon returned back to town once I was done buying everything else. One dose down, two to go.

For the past week, give or take, I've been checking in with the post office to see if the new astrology DLC has been released, and today it finally was, being the cancer table. It's a lot nicer than I originally thought it would be, I honestly thought it'd look really plain, but it doesn't. I'm actually really liking this DLC set, hopefully the next one (Leo??) looks as good as this one, but from what I've seen, Leo might end up being my favorite.

Unrelated News
Nothing really going on right now, I'm just kinda watching gameplay of games I'm looking forward to and stuff, so not much to talk about like I said. I'll probably start the MK8 review either tomorrow or Tuesday, so look forward to that by the end of the week. Cya!


  1. What features can I add to my town to make it look good? Your town looks so good compared to mine! Thank you in advance! XD


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