Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 414

Last Nights Caper
Finished Orphan Black S2, now I've gotta wait another year for S3 to come... Anyway, it's a really good show, I recommend you watch if you like science/mystery/crime stuff.

Day 414

I slept in so I wasn't awake in time to see Joan and check for turnip prices. Over at the plaza though, Isabelle was preparing for tonight's fireworks show (which I need to remember to go to). Redd had his tent set up and told me to come back when the show had started, as did Isabelle. However, Isabelle did give me the option to give her a pattern for a custom firework, and I gave her the Stitch pattern I used for my stain glassed window. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Another surprised today (well it wasn't really a surprise as I received a letter in the mail a few days ago, I just forgot about it), was today was Benjamin's birthday. Much like the previous few birthdays I attended, I didn't actually have a present picked out, so I just gave them the ore for the day, which was a sapphire. He seemed to be pleased with it.

Other than that, nothing really happened. I tried a lot to get my villagers to give me something to do, but nothing. The best I got was that Rosie gave her her extra donut stool, which both Bree and Tia wanted, but I didn't give it to either of them.

Unrelated News
Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice, I'm aware today is possibly the most boring day we've had for a while... Now I've just gotta wait a little but for the fireworks show, which will be included in tomorrows post. Cya!


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