Animal Crossing New Leaf - Day 189: Winter Solstice

Last Nights Caper
Harry wanted to come over to get my snowman bingo number - which sadly he didn't have. Afterwards, he invited me over and I got his bingo number, which I had on my card. Thanks, Harry! (yes we are basically dressed the same, he copied me!)

Day 189

It was really nice going on to play today and seeing it was still dark (I remember this time last year when all the English speakers with the Japanese versions were freaking out because they didn't know what was going on lol), so it was nice to relive those memories.

I guess the solstice brought luck to Skyfall, because we got our first ever sloppy item! The sloppy clock. I don't really like the sloppy series that much, but I have been waiting forever for one to show up in Re-Tail.

In the snowmen department, I got a number from the snowman already in town, and rolled another one to get it's number. Both numbers were ones I needed, and both gave me a 'ding', which meant I only needed one more number in that line to score bingo. I forgot to take a picture after I punched out #7, sorry.

As you can probably see from snowman #1, Isabelle was up at the town tree, celebrating the winter solstice. There was a 4-person photoboard, and she was also giving out blue glow wands. I took photos in all the holes for the photobord, maybe I'll photoshop them together like I have before, not sure yet (I probably will 'cause I am bored LOL).

I went to the post office to deliver some gifts to Bree and Ricky, and whilst I was there, I decided to check if there were any DLC that I had yet to receive (as they've been giving out a few each month recently). To my surprise, there was a white police cap for me to receive.

Christmas Caper
Alfonso finally gave in, and told me the other hint of what he wanted for Toy Day - some clothing. So now, I have completed the list, lets just hope no one moves in now.

Bree - Pink, plant
Purrl - White, appliance Moved Out
Ricky - Black, clothing
Jacques - White, furniture
Frita - Yellow, instrument
Rosie - Red, umbrella
Annalisa - Yellow, furniture
Leonardo - Red, musical instrument
Tia - White, wallpaper
Alfonso - Gray, clothing

Unrelated News
Idk I'm gonna photoshop the pic together. Cya!


  1. Luv dis account :3

  2. please add me i have an account called hackifyminez buti havent gotten on my friend code is 0061-0931-3808


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