Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Day 21

One villager leaves, and another villager enters - it was goodbye Olaf and hello Ken. I believe Ken is a chicken going off memory here, which means he'll have some tough competition with Nublar's existing chicken, Plucky! As for morning announcements, once again there were none, but Isabelle wished us a happy "Friday Eve" which gave me a good chuckle.

CJ was back in town, and I figured out what his minigame does; turns out he wont buy fish from you at the premium price unless you complete his challenge. I guess it's a nice touch, but it's odd Flick doesn't have such a feature attached to him. Anyway, I completed his challenge and sold him all the Fish I caught today.

Additionally, thanks to all the rain we'd had recently, I had a number of Coelacanth in my storage, so I gave him 3 for my own model of one. I figured it was probably the best fish that would go with Nublar's aesthetic. Chip also reminded us that the Fishing Tourney would be held on Saturday.

Yesterday I totally forgot to speak to Sable to get some more family gossip, but in doing so today they told me a little more about Label. They seemed to miss their sister, but were happy she was doing what she loved and pursuing her dreams.

My Villagers were also on the ball today, as Flora taught me the Sleep Reaction, and Hopper taught me how to make an Umbrella Stand. Not the most useful things, but another Reaction and DIY recipe for the books are always welcomed.

In addition to CJ visiting, Celeste was also walking around in the evening. So far, I haven't spotted a meteor shower, but she did gift us the DIY recipe for the flying saucer. The sky is looking clear tonight, so I'm hoping I'll be able to nab a few star fragments!

Again, today was a pretty mellow day in Nublar. Turnips were 53 in the morning, and then more than doubled to 116 in the afternoon. Not ideal, but I've got two more days left for prices, so hopefully we'll get lucky around there, otherwise we'll need to hit up the discord again.

I just realized this will be a packed weekend; Fishing Tourney on Saturday, then Bunny Day on Sunday. I'm really hoping to update the guides a little more over this weekend since I've got enough to be able to add to them substantially, but maybe with this events it'll have to wait until the following week...

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